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Corporate Communications

Only the chief executive officer or his or her designee speaks for the company.

Any other employee, officer or board member who receives an outside inquiry about the company should refer the inquiry to the Vice President–Communications Public Affairs I&D or his or her designee. Such requests for information could come from the news media, investors, financial analysts, government officials or any other member of the public.

Only the chief executive officer or his or her designee is authorized to respond to these requests. The company’s public image may be tarnished or its business harmed if employees, officers or board members make inaccurate statements that are publicly reported and any such statements may be a violation of the federal securities laws.

Social Computing

The same requirements for Corporate Communications apply to social computing, including publishing and discussions on social networking sites (such as Yammer, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), blogs, wikis, file sharing, user-generated video and audio, personal websites, external message boards and discussion threads. Don’t speak on behalf of the company.

Be thoughtful and civil when using social media; never intimidate, harass, or interfere with the job performance of ONE Gas’ customers, vendors, employees or other stakeholders. In addition, make it clear that your post is representative of your views and opinions and not the views and opinions of ONE Gas (even if your views and opinions are consistent with the company’s positions).

You are personally responsible for the content you publish on blogs, wikis, or any other form of social media. Also, be mindful that if the company receives a complaint from an employee about information you have posted about that employee, the company may need to investigate that complaint to ensure that there has been no violation of the harassment policy or any other company policy. In the event there is such a complaint, you will be expected to cooperate in any investigation of that complaint, including providing access to the posts at issue.

Questions & Answers

    A: It depends; the company has a right to protect and access any data related to its business, employees, contractors and customers, (company- owned or otherwise). Be mindful, that during this process, your personal data could be lost. Also be mindful that employees should have no expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send
    or receive using a device connected to company resources or utilized for a business purpose.

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